Thursday, November 11, 2010

"Making the most of Photoshop’s Selection Tool"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Making the most of Photoshop’s Selection Tool"

There is no photo editing or graphic design project that you cannot accomplish using Adobe Photoshop if you are thoroughly familiar with the tools available.

The tool that seems to be necessary for nearly every application in Photoshop is the selection tool. The selection tool isolates objects for the purpose of editing specific areas of your image without effecting the entire image.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hot Tricks For Photoshop CS3 Tools

Photoshop CS3 gives its users some hugely improved features and tools compared to earlier releases of Photoshop. Once you take the time learn a few of the tricks Photoshop CS3 has in store for you, you’ll find you can edit your images with ease and panache.
Photoshop CS3 is decked out with a new intuitive interface. This may not be a very flashy trick, but it is one that you will appreciate; it makes all of Photoshop easier to use. Most of your screen is taken up by the drawing canvas. You can make your toolbox one or two columns. Your palettes docked or minimized. There are four different options for the full screen mode.

Tutorial for Adobe After Effects

Hello, this is the tutorial that i found very interesting and simple for newbie to learn fast about this video graphic design tools. Find the tutorial at:

There are tons of beginner and advanced tutorial you can find there. CREDITS to Andrew Kramer for the awesome tutorial!!!!! =D

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Photoshop Tools - Take Control and Start Doing Professional Level Graphics"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Photoshop Tools - Take Control and Start Doing Professional Level Graphics"

If you are learning Photoshop you are in for a treat. The capabilities of Adobe Photoshop are unlimited.

There is virtually nothing you cannot do if you are familiar with all of the available tools, features and functions.

Some of the tools and features available in Photoshop include: text tool, paint bucket, lasso, magic wand, crop tool, gradient fill, layers, effects, history brush, and the clone tool. 

"Learning Photoshop: Learn the Difference between Canvas and Image Size"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Learning Photoshop: Learn the Difference between Canvas and Image Size"

What happens if I change the canvas size? I want to print my photo as a 5x7 print. Should I change the image size or the canvas size?

These are common questions among beginners who are just learning to use Photoshop. Many who are just learning to use Adobe Photoshop often are confused by the differences in the canvas size and image size functions. 

"Cropping for Perfect Composition in Photoshop"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Cropping for Perfect Composition in Photoshop"

There are many things that make a great photograph but one of the most important elements of a good photo is composition.

Composition has to do with the placement of the subject and objects in a photograph and how these various elements interact together. 

"Precise Photo Editing is Made Easy with Photoshop’s Grow Tool"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Precise Photo Editing is Made Easy with Photoshop’s Grow Tool"

If you have been learning to do digital photo editing in Photoshop and have been going crazy trying to do precise object selection the following information is going to be music to your ears. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Easily Change the Appearance of any Photo in Photoshop"

By David Peters
Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Easily Change the Appearance of any Photo in Photoshop"

With Adobe Photoshop you can apply all kinds of cool special effects and transform the appearance of photographs,

The following are just a few of the special effects you can do in Photoshop.

Black and White

Everyone loves black and white photography. In the past you had to use separate film if you wanted black and white images. In digital photography all images are typically photographed in color and the converted to black and white on the computer. This means that you can experiment by turning your photos to black and white. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Layers - The Backbone of Photoshop"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Layers - The Backbone of Photoshop"

Adobe Photoshop is not cheap. There are certainly more affordable photo editing software applications available on the Internet but there are reasons why Photoshop is so popular among professional web designers, photographers, and graphic design specialists. 

"A File Format for Every Occasion"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"A File Format for Every Occasion"

As you learn and become more familiar with Adobe Photoshop you will likely notice that Photoshop allows you to save images in many different formats or file types.

Having a working knowledge and understanding of these different image formats is essential to making the most of your digital photo projects. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

"Retouching and Improving your Photographs Photoshop makes it Possible"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Retouching and Improving your Photographs Photoshop makes it Possible"

Digital imaging and more specifically Adobe Photoshop as well as other image editing software have revolutionized photography. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

"Merging Two or More Images in Photoshop First Things First"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Merging Two or More Images in Photoshop First Things First"

Have you ever noticed how magazines, newspapers and some web designers are able to combine multiple photographs together to create cool collages of merged images?

Merging two or more images into one image has become the standard. Everywhere you look you will see examples. Whether you are a web designer, graphic artists, or photographer you can benefit from the ability to merge photographs.

Photo merging techniques will allow you to create original logos, advertisements, backgrounds for web sites, and much more.

If you have Adobe Photoshop then you already have everything you need to create amazing digital collages from multiple photos. Photoshop is the professional’s choice for digital photographic editing and manipulation.

Before you start merging two or more photographs to make a digital collage it is important that you spend a little time planning your final image.

While technical knowledge in how to use Adobe Photoshop to merge photographs is essential don’t downplay the importance of planning your final image before you even start working in Photoshop.

With that being said, the layers function in Photoshop is perfect for allowing you to experiment with different options.

The following are areas to consider when planning a photo collage image.

Choosing Photographs

The most important part of merging multiple photographs is as simple as choosing the right photographs for your photo collage. The photographs you choose can compliment each other in terms of a general theme or color scheme. Try using the eyedropper in Photoshop to check colors and look for complimentary colors.


Once you have chosen the right photographs for your photo collage it is time to think about your composition. Browse the Internet and look for example of digital photo collages and look for images that you feel are particularly effective in relaying the message intended by the advertiser or artist. Pay attention to the composition of the images. Consider what makes the images blend well together.

The great thing about Adobe Photoshop is that you can work in multiple layers which will allow you to play around with your composition before permanent placement.

Author David Peters: Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop In Under 2 Hours With Easy To Follow Instantly Accessible Online Video Tutorials.

Full Details Here:

"Adobe Photoshop Your Ticket to Big Bucks in Graphic Design"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Adobe Photoshop Your Ticket to Big Bucks in Graphic Design"

Graphic design has always been big business but with the explosive growth of the Internet graphic designers are experiencing increased demand for their services.

Every business needs a web site to be successful in today’s business environment and every web site needs graphic design in the form of logos and web graphics.

There has never been a better time to get into the graphic design business and the best part is all you need to get started is desire, Adobe Photoshop, and some training on how to use Adobe Photoshop to create stunning web graphics that sell.

Photoshop, Adobe’s digital photo editing and graphic design powerhouse, is capable of creating professional quality logos and designs that will allow you to compete with professional designers for graphic design business.

There are many software applications available that advertise the ability to produce high quality graphics and logos.

These applications can range in price from $30.00 and up. The problem with many of these applications is that they use pre designed templates which the user pieces together to form logos that really are not that original and sometimes appear a little generic.

While these applications allow the user to quickly begin creating graphic designs and logos they often simply do not produce designs that are original and in demand by web design clients.

If you take the time to learn adobe Photoshop there will be no limit to the logos and graphic designs you can put together.

Although the interface can seem a little overwhelming at first, learning Photoshop is not difficult if you have the right tools and take the time to practice.

Taking the time to properly learn to use Photoshop will pay off in the end. Pick up a copy of a good video based Photoshop tutorial and you will be on your way to making big bucks in the graphic design industry.

Author David Peters: Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop In Under 2 Hours With Easy To Follow Instantly Accessible Online Video Tutorials.

Full Details Here:

"Fixing Red Eye with Adobe Photoshop"

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Fixing Red Eye with Adobe Photoshop"

It is a common problem. Your have captured some adorable photographs of your new baby boy and can’t wait to show them off to your friends and family only to be disappointed, when you look at them on your computer or pick them up from the photo lab, by the terrible red eye.

Your precious child looks like a demon or something from a scary movie. This problem is commonly referred to as “red eye.”

Red eye is caused by the light from camera’s flash reflecting off of the retina in the back of the eye.

In low light conditions the iris of the eye is larger providing for a larger surface to appear red in your photos.

Unfortunately, it is in low light conditions that a flash is needed the most.

Red is becoming more and more of a problem and this is partly due to the emergence of digital photo technology. Since digital cameras do not need the same internal mechanics or space for film they are becoming smaller and smaller compared to their film counterparts.

This means that the flash is much closer to the lens. In fact, in most new point and shoot digital cameras the flash is directly above the lens.

This is the problem. When the flash is closer to the lens it causes the flash to enter the iris directly and reflect straight back to the camera causing the terrible red eye that has ruined your family pictures.

Most digital cameras have a red eye reduction feature built in which causes a pre flash immediately before the camera exposes the image.

This causes the iris to become smaller for the actual picture. Unfortunately, this function rarely completely eliminates red eye from your photographs.

Since most point and shoot digital cameras do not have a hot shoe allowing the photographer to add a flash away from the camera the only option for eliminating red eye is to fix it after the fact.

This is where Adobe Photoshop comes in. Photoshop makes it easy to correct even the worst cases of red eye in photographs.

Are you concerned that Photoshop is too complicated or difficult to learn? Don’t be. Even someone with no experience at all can quickly and easily learn to fix red eye like a pro using Adobe Photoshop.

Author David Peters: Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop In Under 2 Hours With Easy To Follow Instantly Accessible Online Video Tutorials.

"Transform you Old, Worn out Photos in Minutes with Adobe Photoshop"

By David Peters
Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Transform you Old, Worn out Photos in Minutes with Adobe Photoshop"

Do you have old photographs that are faded, worn out, crinkled or even torn? Of course you do, everyone does. Many of these photos are likely very old family photographs that are simply irreplaceable should something happen to them.

In the past it was very expensive and time consuming to have old damaged photographed restored. It usually required a photo restoration expert and sometimes the results were not really that great.

Digital imaging, and more specifically Adobe Photoshop, has revolutionized the process of renewing and restoring old photographs.

It is amazing the results you can achieve with Photoshop. Old and damaged, even torn, photographs can be restored and renewed to their original colors and vitality using the tools available in Photoshop.

Adobe’s Photoshop is the number one choice digital photo editing software application among today’s professional photographers, graphic artists and web designers.

It is not only the best but easier to work with than you might think. Many shy away from Photoshop because there are intimidated by the complexity.

With the help of a good Photoshop tutorial you can begin to learn Photoshop within minutes and be on your way to restoring those old photographs and preserving your family’s memories for year to come.

There are less expensive digital editing applications but the problem is that they often have very limited capabilities when it comes to doing high quality digital photo restoration.

Those cheaper digital photo software packages often utilize a one size fits all approach to photo restoration and they just don’t have the functions to deal with all of the types of damage you may encounter in renewing your old photos.

The other benefit of using Photoshop to fix your old photographs it that you can work in layers.

The layers function ensures that you won’t waste an hours work with one little mistake. As you work your photograph you can save each new change as a new layer. If you mess up simply delete that layer and try again.

Photo restoration requires patience and attention to detail. Only Adobe Photoshop has the tools to do a quality job restoring your old photographs.

Learn Photoshop now and start bringing those old photographs to new life.

Author David Peters: Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop In Under 2 Hours With Easy To Follow Instantly Accessible Online Video Tutorials.
Full Details Here:

Photoshop Tutorial Product Review

"Photoshop Fast Track for Newbies" Review

Seller: David Peters


Photoshop Fast Track for Newbies is a set of videos, which demonstrate the many features of Photoshop. The tutorials demonstrate Photoshop as well as newer versions that have been integrated with Creative Suite (CS) products, from CS2 to CS4.

The video tutorials include:
- The Workspace
- Selections
- Painting and Drawing
- Resizing Images
- Image and Color Modes
- Layers
- Creating Text
- Layer Styles and Effects
- Photo Retouching
- Saving Images
- Tips and Tricks... "Removing Red Eye"
- Tips and Tricks... "Photo Merging"
- Tips and Tricks... "Lighting Effects"
- Tips and Tricks... "Photo Framing"

Additional videos for CS2 updates:
- Adobe Bridge
- Image Warp
- Layers: Refined
- Lens Correction
- Red Eye Tool
- Smart Objects
- Spot Healing

Additional videos for CS3 updates:
- Auto Align
- Auto Blend
- Black and White
- New Blend Modes
- Brightness and Contrast
- Bridge CS3
- Clone Source
- Curves
- Interface
- Photomerge
- Quick Select Tool
- Refine Edges
- Smart Filters

Additional videos for CS4 updates:
- Adjustments Panel
- Bridge 3
- Content Aware Scaling
- Dodge and Burn
- Drag and Drop in Tabs
- Extending DOF
- Masks Panel
- Panels in CS4
- Tabbed Interface
- Target Adjustment Tool
- Web and PDF

Also included are several bonuses:
- Ecover Magic (Adobe Action Scripts): Action scripts to create ecovers for eBooks, software boxes, CDs, DVDs, membership cards and many more. The scripts work with Adobe Photoshop version 6.0 or higher.

- A Guide to Digital Photography: An eBook, which covers the basics of digital photography,

- The Handy Color Schemer: An easy-to-use software that helps users choose coordinating colors for websites, logos, images, and others.

- Picture Gallery Maker: A software that enables the user to create web pages with pictures galleries on them. It's simple to use and includes six templates, although users can also create their own templates.

- Bonus articles on Photoshop, design, and other related topics: A total of 86 bonus articles are included. The articles cover various topics of interest to designers and digital photographers.

- Unadvertised Bonus: As a special bonus, buyers of "Photoshop Fast Track for Newbies" will also get 109 additional video tutorials. These include: 27 tutorials with additional training in Adobe Photoshop CS; 20 tutorials on Photoshop CS2; 37 tutorials on Photoshop Elements; 10 tutorials on maximizing your digital camera; and, 15 tutorials about ImageReady CS.

Product Details:

The videos are in digital format (Flash and Shockwave) and can be either viewed online or downloaded into the customer's hard drive.


Digital video, compatible with both PC and Mac
PDF transcripts of the tutorials

Thoughts on the Product:

Video is the best way to learn how to use software, in particular, a graphic editing software such as Photoshop. The tutorials begin with the most basic topic (e.g., "The Workspace"), and progress to the most complicated (e.g., "Lighting Effects" for the Fast-Track set).

Each tutorial is only a few minutes long. The presentor is clear and demonstrates each step of the process. Learning is fast and easy when you can see the results of each step right away!

The best way to go through the videos is to have your own copy of Photoshop open at the same time, pause the video, do the same step yourself, and see if you achieve the same results.

Even the most uninitiated Photoshop user should be able to follow along without difficulty. Finally, the PDF transcripts come in handy for quick reviews of the lessons.

Where to Learn More:

Adobe Photoshop Fast Track Learning

Hello, I'm a fan of adobe photoshop product and I started this blog for a newbie to learn the fast track way to use photoshop. I've found a tutorial product that can give you a quick tips and tutorial to access photoshop in less than 4 hours and the BEST PART is we can access this tutorial ONLINE. Check out the video below for a sneak preview of the Tutorial Content:

Learn Photoshop In Just 2 Hours...

If you're new to Photoshop and looking for the easiest way to really get to grips with this exciting software (which can often be very frustrating and overwhelming for newbies)... then I strongly recommend you take a look at Photoshop expert David Peter's fantastic video tutorials.

There's just 2 hours worth of instantly accessible online video tutorials, which are designed to get the newbie user as competent as possible as fast as possible.

David claims anyone can master the basics of Adobe Photoshop in just a couple of hours if they follow his video tutorials. And I agree (and when you check out the website you'll see feedback from a LOT of people who have tried them are delighted with the results).

What I like most about his video learning system is the fact that you never need to look at a boring manual again. It's the next best thing to having a personal coach!

For more details about this product, read my other post "Photoshop Tutorial Product Review".