Thursday, November 11, 2010

"Making the most of Photoshop’s Selection Tool"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Making the most of Photoshop’s Selection Tool"

There is no photo editing or graphic design project that you cannot accomplish using Adobe Photoshop if you are thoroughly familiar with the tools available.

The tool that seems to be necessary for nearly every application in Photoshop is the selection tool. The selection tool isolates objects for the purpose of editing specific areas of your image without effecting the entire image.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hot Tricks For Photoshop CS3 Tools

Photoshop CS3 gives its users some hugely improved features and tools compared to earlier releases of Photoshop. Once you take the time learn a few of the tricks Photoshop CS3 has in store for you, you’ll find you can edit your images with ease and panache.
Photoshop CS3 is decked out with a new intuitive interface. This may not be a very flashy trick, but it is one that you will appreciate; it makes all of Photoshop easier to use. Most of your screen is taken up by the drawing canvas. You can make your toolbox one or two columns. Your palettes docked or minimized. There are four different options for the full screen mode.

Tutorial for Adobe After Effects

Hello, this is the tutorial that i found very interesting and simple for newbie to learn fast about this video graphic design tools. Find the tutorial at:

There are tons of beginner and advanced tutorial you can find there. CREDITS to Andrew Kramer for the awesome tutorial!!!!! =D

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Photoshop Tools - Take Control and Start Doing Professional Level Graphics"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Photoshop Tools - Take Control and Start Doing Professional Level Graphics"

If you are learning Photoshop you are in for a treat. The capabilities of Adobe Photoshop are unlimited.

There is virtually nothing you cannot do if you are familiar with all of the available tools, features and functions.

Some of the tools and features available in Photoshop include: text tool, paint bucket, lasso, magic wand, crop tool, gradient fill, layers, effects, history brush, and the clone tool. 

"Learning Photoshop: Learn the Difference between Canvas and Image Size"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Learning Photoshop: Learn the Difference between Canvas and Image Size"

What happens if I change the canvas size? I want to print my photo as a 5x7 print. Should I change the image size or the canvas size?

These are common questions among beginners who are just learning to use Photoshop. Many who are just learning to use Adobe Photoshop often are confused by the differences in the canvas size and image size functions. 

"Cropping for Perfect Composition in Photoshop"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Cropping for Perfect Composition in Photoshop"

There are many things that make a great photograph but one of the most important elements of a good photo is composition.

Composition has to do with the placement of the subject and objects in a photograph and how these various elements interact together. 

"Precise Photo Editing is Made Easy with Photoshop’s Grow Tool"

By David Peters

Learn how to quickly and easily master the basics of photoshop in just 2 hours and produce graphics like a pro... your friends and family will be amazed!

"Precise Photo Editing is Made Easy with Photoshop’s Grow Tool"

If you have been learning to do digital photo editing in Photoshop and have been going crazy trying to do precise object selection the following information is going to be music to your ears.